So, it’s been a while, mainly because nothing too exciting happened. The toads (?) have all been released so it was just snails living it up in my aquarium. This will be my final post on this topic as I released all the snails a couple of days ago!
The three conically-shaped snails that I originally collected had all died by around a month or so ago, but spiral snail was still going strong (although he often got stuck in the grid of my water filter!).
I don’t think spiral snail reproduced, but the other type for sure did and I think I ended up with probably between 100-200 babies (I didn’t count, but I had a lot!). I hope they will make it on their own.
So, as my final post on this topic, a bunch of pictures:

I managed to grow some unidentified plant matter at the bottom of my aquarium:

Some had come up for air?

So long!